Sunday, March 1, 2020


It must have been in April or May 2019 that my son and I decided to go for our own Frostgrave Project. We were already very enthousiastic about the game itself and the same applied to the Thaw of the Lich Lord supplement. This said we made plans to create a themed ruined city and to build up our fantasy miniatures collection for this purpose. In the process we also began to write down some house rules that we felt would be suitable for our project. And in this writing down the name of the ruined city came to life and later gave birth to the title of our Frostgrave Project: 

Marauders in Mausoleapolis 

Here is a first picture report of Mausoleapolis and the miniatures that would enable us to play the marauder games in our own Frostgrave setting. The original building /scenery came from Pegasus Hobbies, Games Workshop, Reaper Miniatures, Renedra, Thomarillion/Zitterdes and other companies. Several building parts are scratch build or are constructed with use of existing scenery items. The miniatures are from Reaper Miniatures, Games Workshop, Northstar Miniatures, Mantic Games, Otherworld Miniatures, Fireforge Games (Forgotten World), Gripping Beast and several producers more.

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